Chapter: 2702
"You need to rest well. There are tough challenges ahead."

After exchanging a few words with him, Edwin made his way to Laura's room.

Contrary to what he had expected, Laura was calm.

She had taken a shower and was seated on a small sofa, absorbed in a book, her hair still damp.

His heart, which had been fraught with anxiety all day, found solace at the sight of her.

He fetched a hair dryer from the bathroom and stood behind her, inviting her to lean against him as he gently dried her hair. Laura glanced back at him, and then set aside her book to rest her head against his abdomen.

Edwin admired her serene demeanor.

He leaned down to kiss her, his voice hoarse with emotion.

"Don't worry. I've got this."

Laura remained silent, absorbing his reassurance.

As her hair neared dryness, she finally spoke up softly.

"Edwin, you don't have to push yourself so hard for me."

She had noticed the toll the day had taken on him.

She understood the steep price he might pay for choosing her — his hard-earned career and even his reputation.

A marriage with someone like Vanessa, from a prominent family, would make more sense. The thought of being with him once again filled her with doubt and apprehension.

Finishing her words, she almost forgot to breathe.

Edwin paused, setting the hair dryer aside. He affectionately ruffled her hair.

“You're not thinking of breaking up, are you?"

Laura quickly shook her head, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his embrace.

Her voice was soft and vulnerable.