Chapter: 4576
It was a heartwarming sight.

Only a few people knew that Dylan was still alive, and they kept quiet about this matter.

After all, they only knew that he was not dead. They still had to find him.

Olivia was dying to get him back. He had been so close, but he escaped her grasp. Still, she didn't want to use her connections to track him, Just as Edwin said, if Dylan wanted to come back, he would do it on his own. Forcing him back would only worsen things.

But even as it made sense in her mind, no logic could soothe her longing.

At night, she stood on the balcony of the second floor, looking out into the darkness. After a while, Laura came to accompany her.

“The kids are all sleeping. Scott wanted to sleep with Leyla because she was so adorable. But Leyla seems to like Myrna better."

Edwin and Laura had two children.

Scott was their eldest, and then they had Myrna. Laura was the one who picked this name for their daughter. Edwin and Laura loved their children very much, especially Myrna. Her coming into their lives linked Edwin and Laura more closely.

A gentle expression took over Laura's face as she spoke about her children. She was fortunate to have a loving husband and welcoming in-laws. She was no longer young, but there was still a pure and kind air about her. She looked almost the same as she did back in her younger days.

Olivia was relieved to know that Leyla was sleeping with Myrna.

Myrna took after her mother with her temperament. There was no doubt that Edwin loved his children, but Olivia felt that he was always more strict with Scott. Myrna, on the other hand, was spoiled endlessly by Edwin. Perhaps it was because she was so similar to Laura.

The spring night was beautiful despite the slight coldness in the air.

Olivia wrapped the shawl more snugly around herself. In the darkness of the night, her face glowed warm and radiant.

Laura looked at her and felt as if she was somehow different.

Olivia's eyes now burned bright with life.

Soon, the Jones family held a funeral.

Most of the powerful families in Duefron had attended. With all of them gathered, it was more like a social event than a mournful one.

To Raphael's surprise, Edwin and Laura also made it.

The Jones family members gritted their teeth at the sight of the two.

However, no matter how upset they were, they couldn't make a scene here, and they didn't dare go against Edwin.

Edwin stayed for a while and then left.

Raphael saw him to the door.

The two men were far from friends, but neither of them said anything unpleasant in such an occasion. After a long while, Edwin finally spoke. “When your mother was alive, she wanted you to get married soon. Stop waiting around for Olivia. It's time to let her go and move on."