Chapter: 1611
His hand roamed her supple skin, grasping her ankle firmly and pulling Ariana, who attempted to withdraw, back into his embrace.

The fervent kisses gradually eclipsed Ariana's thoughts. Surrendering to the moment, she ceased her resistance. Her hands found their way to Holden's collar, deftly unfastening each button of his shirt. Her fingertips traced a path down his chest, grazing over his firm and resilient muscles.

Ariana was clad in pajamas, and Holden refrained from tearing her clothes to shreds.

As their kiss deepened, Holden's exploration of Ariana's body intensified. Eventually, he reached for her buttons, deftly undoing them.

In response, Ariana couldn't help but release a soft moan. She wrapped her arms around Holden's waist, drawing him closer, their bodies melding together in a warm embrace.
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Why I cannot read the whole chapter?