Chapter: 1262
He rambled on about Rosalynn's mischievous and clever childhood escapades, recounting anecdotes that showcased her wit.

Brian listened attentively, stealing occasional glances at Rosalynn while sipping his wine. He felt like he was getting to know her on a deeper level.

“Brian, Rosalynn has been clever since she was a child. Countless men have sought her hand in marriage. Yet, you once contemplated divorcing her. How foolish you were," Calvert chided, holding onto his grudge against Brian's past indifference towards Rosalynn.

Then, he turned his attention to Rosalynn and inquired, “Rosalynn, what was the name of the young man who visited our house recently? Ah, yes, Barlow. He struck me as good-hearted and gentle. He fell head over heels for you at first sight. Brian, if you had changed your mind a little Later, you would have regretted it."

Brian had been attentively Listening, but when he heard Barlow's name, his expression subtly changed.
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