Chapter: 2166
Maggie beamed. “I've been picking out material for your wedding dress. After looking around, I've narrowed it down to two types. Which one do you prefer?"

She then showed Rosalynn the fabric samples and detailed the differences between them.

“Maggie, you're the expert here. I'll leave it to you," Rosalynn mentioned, not being familiar with fabric choices.

"I feel this material is more airy. How about we go with this one?"

Maggie suggested, pointing to one of the fabrics and seeking Rosalynn's view.

"Sounds good," Rosalynn agreed to her suggestion.

"I'll get in touch with the supply team to have the fabric delivered here," Maggie announced, smiling.

"Take your time."

Maggie nodded, pulled out her phone and made a call. She fluently spoke in another language as soon as the call connected.

Watching her, Rosalynn couldn't help but see Maggie as a very capable woman now.

"Are we out of stock on this fabric?"

Rosalynn was relaxing on the couch, sipping water, when she noticed Maggie's concerned expression.

The material Rosalynn had just picked was apparently unavailable.

"When can we expect the new shipment?"

Maggie posed another query.

Listening to the answer made Maggie's expression grow even more troubled.

“So, the partner factory thinks the profit margin is too low and has decided not to make it anymore? Understood."

After ending the call, Maggie appeared to be pondering deeply.

Rosalynn, sensing her friend's distress, inquired, "What's wrong? Is it with the fabric?"
