Chapter: 2183
Sanford pocketed his phone and hummed noncommittally.

Brian looked at him, searching his face. “What's your plan, really? Are you serious about marrying Millie?"

Sanford's gaze followed the slim figure trailing behind Rosalynn out of the shop, his eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Does it matter to anyone if I marry or not?"

Brian raised an eyebrow, his glance shifting to Maggie. Was Sanford hoping Maggie would show some concern about his choices?

“Can we leave now?"

Rosalynn approached Brian, breaking into his thoughts.

Brian nodded and draped his arm over her shoulders, saying, “Yeah, let Maggie drive your car. You ride with me."


Rosalynn passed the car keys to Maggie.

Brian glanced at Sanford. “No car for you, Sanford?"

“Yeah, the driver has it," Sanford answered.

A flicker of amusement crossed Brian's eyes. "Don't come with me. I don't need a third wheel."

Sanford was left speechless.

It dawned on him that he was being subtly pushed to take Maggie's car.

He realized that his buddy was craftily arranging some alone time for him with Maggie.

“Sanford, do you mind riding with Maggie?" Rosalynn interjected, aware of her husband's scheme.

Sanford approached Maggie, a hand open in a gesture for the keys.

“I'U drive."

Standing close to her, Maggie felt an unexpected rush.