Chapter: 2309
That aligned precisely with Millie's intentions.

A glint flickered in Millie's eyes. "I've heard rumors that Maggie has a suitor who's been guarding her at Sanford's branch factory today. If Sanford discovers her association with that man, will his love for her endure?"

Meeting her gaze, Jaelyn inquired, “Are you suggesting we set Maggie up?"

Millie sneered. "What? Set up? I simply aim to assist you in solidifying your position."

After a pause, noticing Jaelyn's silence, Millie continued, "Jaelyn, as long as Maggie leaves Sanford, you'll remain the woman he loves most, and I'll still be his fiancée. I'm willing to accept your constant presence in Sanford. After all, men can be capricious. With you by his side, he won't seek out mew companions every day. Henceforth, let's live in peace and deal with Maggie together. How does that sound?"
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