Chapter: 1030
Sabrina sat beside Bettie on the sofa and wrapped her arms around her friend, offering a warm and comforting embrace. "I'm here for you. You don't have to go through this alone."

Bettie remained silent.

Sabrina gazed up at the ceiling, Lost in thought. “When I was young, my parents got divorced. My mother Left and never came back. I can barely remember what she Looked like and only have a few hazy memories of her.

But I heard rumors that she had an affair, and my father couldn't forgive her for it and divorced her.

I was also sad, confused, and angry. At that time, I thought that if I had the chance to see her again, I would ask her why she did it, but I never did see her again. I wonder if she even remembers or thinks of me at all."
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