Chapter: 1100
Galilea settled gracefully into a chair and cast an amiable glance at Sabrina as she explained, "We'll be meeting the director overseeing one of our productions and conducting a script reading session as well. Naturally, it will be followed by Lunch. Just remember to come to my aid if they attempt to inundate me with excessive drinks."

Sabrina recognized that typically, once a role was chosen, the crew would meticulously dissect the script together, analyzing its intricacies and identifying any imperfections. This process served not only to enhance their comprehension of their respective roles but also to rectify any narrative discrepancies.

Sabrina nodded, affirming, "Understood."

As she ushered Galilea into the van, Sabrina bid her farewell with a gentle, "See you tonight," before turning away and heading toward the parking lot.

Galilea's gaze lingered on Sabrina’s retreating figure, a fleeting glint of malevolence flickering within her eyes.
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