Chapter: 1163
Galilea's so-called being kidnapped had been a charade to draw sympathy and make her look like the victim, distracting the attention. Her supposed horrific ordeal was just a lie, an illusion of suffering. Even her trauma, as it turned out, was a pretense.

Tyrone's eyes blazed with intense fury. He gritted his teeth and tightened his fists with increasing force, causing his knuckles to creak. The physical manifestation of his anger was frighteningly clear as he struggled to contain his emotions. It was an involuntary action that he wasn't aware of.

For a long time, Tyrone had carried the weight of guilt on his shoulders, blaming himself for not being able to protect Galilea from a terrible situation. He had made countless sacrifices to comfort her after the traumatic experience, hurting the people he loved most. He had given her every benefit of the doubt and indulged her every need, only to find out it was all for nothing.

Tyrone was struck with a profound realization of how his actions toward Galilea had deeply hurt Sabrina. At the time, he had convinced himself that his actions were justified, believing that Galilea had gone through a traumatic ordeal that warranted his support and defense. However, now that he knew the truth, he was filled with complex emotions.

As these thoughts tormented him, Tyrone's self-hatred swelled. Why hadn't he uncovered the truth sooner?
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