Chapter: 1464
Shane knew about the buried secrets of Horace, Kira, and the existence of Tyrone, the result of the formers' affair.

The familial discord among the three families was no secret.

It wasn't eyebrow-raising for an offspring of privilege to sneak into the house. Some spouses would hobnob with the mistresses without much ado.

However, the demise of Analia changed the game.

Back then, Analia met her end after giving birth to Blayze amid her marriage with Horace. To protect the interests of Blayze whose parents were Analia and Horace, Analia's parents barred Kira's illegitimate child, Tyrone, from residing with the Fowlers. Tyrone, the poor soul, didn't know his biological father was Horace until recent days.
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