Chapter: 1519
Sabrina's resistance only made Andrew even angrier. He held her still with one hand and pulled her coat off with the other. He lifted up the hem of her knitted sweater and tried to push it overhead.

Anxious and desperate, the only thing on Sabrina's mind was getting Andrew's vile hands off her body. The only weapon she had was her teeth, so she bent her head and bit his finger with all her strength.

Jolted by the sudden pain, Andrew yelped and snatched his hand back.

Then, he remembered Marcel's words and slapped Sabrina's face.

“How dare you bite me! Bitch Sabrina's ears were buzzing and her cheeks were hot. When she could think clearly again, she saw Andrew's parted lips and his yellow teeth moving closer to her. She was nearly suffocated by the stinky breath that emanated from his mouth.
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