Chapter: 1561
"I told her that you hated me not because I cheated on you, but because you were jealous of Galilea. And you also hated me because I didn't love you. Galilea didn't believe me. She thought it's because of your principles. So I bet with her that I could make you fall in love with me. It's clear now that I have won the bet. Your presence here is all the proof I need."

A proud and mocking glint appeared on Tyrone's face all of a sudden and he added, "At the hospital in Folette, you were about to tell me that you wanted to remarry me when I interrupted you, right? Just a few tricks and you've already forgotten your hatred for me and the death of your child. You even wanted to be with me again. This is you, Sabrina.”

His smile pierced Sabrina's heart.

Sabrina opened her mouth, but there was a thick wedge in her throat that made it impossible for any sound to emerge.

She wanted to shake her head and deny his statement. She sought for words to retort and proclaim at the top of her voice that it was not like that.
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