Chapter: 1569
Given that Sabrina had pointed out her intention directly, Rita was forthright. “Sabrina, Sierra has been childish and made foolish mistakes. She didn't intend any harm. Look, you're okay now. Can't you find it in your heart to forgive her? She's your cousin. We're family. We should stick together."

“Spare me the family talk," Sabrina retorted with a sneer. “Sierra's a Rivera, and I'm a Chavez. Our families are worlds apart. Don't you know what kind of person she is? And you really expect me to believe she meant no harm?"

"Sierra's headstrong and erred, true, but she realizes her mistake now. Horace and I will see to her punishment. But prison? That's too harsh. It'll destroy her life."

"And how is her fate my concern?" Sabrina retorted dismissively.

Rita's obstinacy only fueled Sabrina's irritation. Sabrina had no desire to prolong the conversation. “I won't forgive her. Don't bother me with this again."
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