Chapter: 517
Tyrone dodged sideways. Then, in one fluid motion, he clasped the assailant's wrist with a vice grip, gaining control over the situation.

Using his strength, he elbowed the man's chest, forcing him backward with a sharp gasp of pain.

The other five men wasted no time launching a coordinated assault on Tyrone. His reflexes were fast, but the overwhelming odds proved challenging. He couldn't avoid every blade and soon got hurt.

A blade tore through the sleeve of his suit, penetrating his flesh, and crimson liquid spilled from the deep gash. The raindrops pelted down, washing away the blood stains.

Filled with anger and adrenaline, Tyrone let out a fierce roar as he delivered a powerful kick to the assailant who had wounded him. The force of the kick sent the man flying backward, clutching his stomach in agony. A guttural sound escaped the man's lips as he spat a mouthful of blood.
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