Chapter: 598
The lawyer got straight to the point. "Now, we shall disclose the will of Mr. Cesar Blakely, encompassing his assets, bank accounts, properties, land, vehicles, shares in Blakely Group, and other ventures. However, we'll only be announcing the distribution of Blakely Group shares today.

Mr. Cesar Blakely has bequeathed 30% of his shares to his wife, Wanda Blakely, and 10% to his grandson, Tyrone Blakely. The distribution of his other properties will be handled separately. If you have any questions, feel free to inquire and review his will."

This revelation stirred confusion among the shareholders, who couldn't fathom Cesar's intentions behind this specific distribution.

It meant that Wanda, who lacked knowledge in managing the company, would be the major shareholder.

Even Leroy, Cesar's second son, was perplexed about his father's decision.
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