Chapter: 697
After a delightful meal together, it was time for Bradley to catch his flight. Aylin drove him to the airport.

As she pulled into the bustling airport parking lot, Sabrina turned to Bradley, seated beside her. “Well, it was truly wonderful catching up.

I can't wait to see you in Austrain."

Bradley paused a moment, then pushed the car door open and stepped out.

“Hey, Sabrina, could you walk me to the gate?"

Sabrina hesitated briefly before getting out of the car without overthinking it. She was about to suggest Aylin accompany her when Bradley added, "Aylin can wait in the car."

"Sure thing!" Aylin responded with a smile. “It's pretty chilly out there. I'LL stay put. Go see Bradley off, Sabrina."

Feeling a bit torn, Sabrina turned to Bradley. "Okay, then I'll walk you to the gate.”

"Sounds good." Bradley smiled.

Inside the car, Aylin exchanged a knowing look with Bettie.

Sabrina and Bradley headed to the airport gate in awkward silence.

During the walk, Sabrina attempted to strike up a conversation. "Is this job your last one before Christmas?"

Bradley shook his head. "Nope, I've got a couple more lined up. I hope to free up the rest of the month to travel with you. For leisure and not work for a change."

“Why are you in such a hurry? You shouldn't overwork yourself, or you might make yourself sick. Your vacation times are flexible. Besides, you might not get any time off before Christmas."

"I'm tired of traveling alone and want to tag along with you." Bradley looked at Sabrina, eyes full of affection.

Sabrina was stunned for a moment, but she pretended not to understand Bradley's underlying meaning. “Sure, it would be more fun traveling with a friend. Well, here's the airport. You should probably go inside now. I'LL head back to the car. It's freezing out here."

“Wait, Sabrina." Bradley reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

The box bore the logo of a Luxury brand.

Opening the box with care, Bradley revealed a delicate necklace inside.

"I picked this out for you. Do you like it?"