Chapter: 864
Lounging against the sofa's backrest with a lazy demeanor, he turned his head to face her. His eyes sparkled with an alluring glint under the bright lights. "I stick to black coffee to keep my sugar intake in check. Getting older as a man means battling with weight gain, especially when one hit their thirties. It requires a lot of effort to maintain my figure. I'm not like fresh college graduates, full of sunshine and energy."

Sabrina was taken by surprise at this revelation.

She was captivated by his gaze and failed to catch the trap in his words. “Young men are full of energy, yet they lack experience and maturity in handling situations. On the other hand, older men might not possess the same youthful vigor and looks as the young ones, but they make up for it with their sophistication. However, it's important to remember that not all men fit these generalizations."

“So, are you inclined towards older or younger men?" Tyrone asked.

“Of course I like... Well, it depends." Sabrina hesitated, almost revealing too much.
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