Chapter: 885
In a desperate move, Evelyn clasped him from behind, pressing her tear-filled eyes against his back. “Tyrone! You must hear me out.

Sabrina isn't worthy of you. She exploited her father's influence to gain favor with the Blakely family, and she's incessantly after you.

I'm certain she's a burden to you. Every move I made was for your sake.

I know you have feelings for Galilea, and I just wanted to help you!"

Tyrone wrenched his hands free from Evelyn's grip, pivoted on his heel, and fixed her with a somber expression, his eyes penetratingly sharp “Let me set things straight. Sabrina wasn't the one pursuing me; it was me pursuing her. Your attempts to manipulate the situation reveal nothing but jealousy. I won't be swayed by your excuses, no matter how many you offer. My decision remains firm. Just be prepared to face the legal consequences!"
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