Chapter: 963
Just because she was unattached and hadn't experienced a romantic relationship herself didn't mean she couldn't recognize the signs of affection in others.

It was quite obvious Mathews was infatuated with Claudia,

However, she was now married and was beyond Mathews’ reach even if he did harbor feelings for her.

With that realization, Joann put the matter to rest.

Just as Claudia was about to suggest that Joann might have misunderstood the situation, her phone chimed inside her bag.

Simultaneously, Joann's ears perked up at the sound of a ringing phone. She winked at Claudia and remarked, “It must be Mr. Dreskin calling!

Claudia reached for her phone and checked the caller ID, confirming it was indeed Bennett.

Stepping aside, she answered the call."Hello, Bennett?" “Have you arrived, Cece?" Bennett inquired,

"Yes, I'm about to collect my luggage," she answered, “Alright, I'm waiting at T18."

“Got it. See you in a bit."

“See you soon, Mrs. Dreskin."

Claudia ended the call and turned to Joann. claim." et's head to the baggage

“Mr. Dreskin is here to pick you up, right?" Joann teased with a knowing smile.

Claudia blushed and admitted, "Yes, he's not busy today."

“No matter how busy he is, you're always the top priority! Your love story gets me every time!"

Claudia blushed even more at Joann's excitement.

Seeing her friend's flushed cheeks, Joann considered taking a quick photo with her phone.

Claudia's adorableness was beyond compare.

But knowing Claudia's shyness, Joann swiftly changed the subject.

“Let's go grab our luggage!

Their suitcases had already made their way onto the conveyor belt.

Once they retrieved their luggage, Claudia and Joann presented their baggage claim tickets to the inspector.

As they dragged their suitcases outside, they noticed commotion outside. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was a group of Mathews' fans making a ruckus.

It was Claudia's first time witnessing fans gathering to welcome their idol at the airport. Seeing the throngs of people, she couldn't help but remark, "He has such a dedicated fanbase