Chapter: 1030
Jeff furrowed his brows and pressed further, "So, what are your thoughts? Yesterday, this man mentioned that if you were willing to return and join him in his research, you could request anything. He also mentioned having the backing of Mercury Corp. I have dug into Mercury Corp. It's an elusive financial group with global reach. With the backing of such a supporter, you can conduct your research with unwavering confidence. Your talent is evident to everyone. The accomplishments you've made here are exclusive to the people of


Knowing that she couldn't go back to her home country, especially with the mention of Mercury Corp, she was more determined to refrain from return.

“Then why don't you go back?" There was caution in her voice.

“Although I was born in Azmar, I've grown up here. My entire family resides here. We've integrated into this place and can't go back," Jeff explained, his gaze fixed on Camila. "But you're different. You're a newcomer. Remember how they initially rejected you when you joined the center? Only after witnessing your exceptional skills did their opinion change."
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