Chapter: 1168
"No!" the Vice-President yelled, looking flustered now. "Don't contact the President. I'll talk."

“The president is not aware of this matter.. The vice-president's words were barely out of his mouth when Josiah swiftly interjected, his voice dripping with disdain, “You, the vice president, publishing such a deceitful paper without the president's consent?! Do you take us all for fools? Do you think we would swallow your lies without question?"

“Oh, how you misunderstand me! What I meant was that the president was not privy to those specific details," the vice-president reluctantly admitted, his true intentions Laid bare. "The president is growing old and will soon retire. If I want to succeed him, I must make some noteworthy contributions..."

"So, you published that data as your own research findings?" Out of anger, Josiah clenched his fists unconsciously.

Camila had put so much trust in him. She had entrusted him with something so important.
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