Chapter: 1719
You thought it was for his benefit..."

“Wasn't it?" Robin interjected, still convinced his decision had been in Isaac's best interest.

He was eager to inquire even before Camila could complete her sentence.

"No," Camila said firmly. "You're not looking out for him. You're biased, protecting a family that's at fault. If you truly cared, you'd have someone pay for Isaac's parents' passing, not push Isaac to drop his grudge. You've been wrong from the start. You can't bear to see your son or grandson in pain, but what about Audrey? Did you even think of Isaac while defending that family? You've always sacrificed him. If you had just held one person accountable, Isaac wouldn't be so cold towards you now. You're trying to shield your second son's family, but Isaac's lost it all. That's just selfish!"

Taking a moment to collect herself, Camila added, "You've let him down in so many ways. How can you expect his forgiveness?"
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