Chapter: 2333
Willie brought the car to a stop. Exiting briefly, Forrest reentered through the back door, shutting it behind him as Willie drove on. He inspected the wound on Camila's shoulder.

A bullet had lodged itself deeply there. Blood still oozed from the entry point. Using his teeth, Forrest ripped open her clothing. He quickly tore a strip of fabric from her shirt. Lifting her arm, he wrapped the fabric through her armpit and around her shoulder, securing it near the wound. He ripped another strip and fastened it around her arm, aiming to staunch the bleeding.

Camila handed Forrest a scalpel, intended for self-defense.

Understanding her gesture, Forrest nonetheless declined. “The bullet may have struck a major artery. If we attempt extraction now, your bleeding could worsen. Without proper supplies, how would I manage the bleeding? You're bleeding less now. Try to hold on."

"Okay," Camila agreed, her lips a pale shade. She fought to keep her eyes open. But her eyelids kept drooping!
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