Chapter: 4557
He figured Olivia might have lost their baby by accident.

Otherwise, she would have had the child.

Truth be told, they could have tried to fix things over the past eight years, but they let it all slip away.

Whether or not they still had feelings for each other, they had simply given up.

Even without Dylan, their getting back together was impossible.

In the spacious living room, they sat in silence for a long time.

Kiley finally spoke, but not talking about Olivia. Instead, she said, "You must be hungry. Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

As soon as she said that, Raphael almost lost it.

Back when they were at their lowest point, Kiley barely had time for Raphael since she had to work several part-time jobs just to make ends meet. Making something for him in the morning was her way of showing motherly care, the best she could manage back then.

Raphael didn't respond to Kiley's offer.

Seeing him so quiet, Kiley silently wiped away her tears and headed to the kitchen. While she cooked, Raphael just sat on the sofa without moving. Eventually, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one.

Kiley's voice was low and sad when she spoke again.

"It's all my fault, son!"

She'd really laid into Olivia back in the day.

She called Olivia shameless and told her to stop bothering Raphael.

She even call Olivia a slut.

She could still picture Olivia's shocked face during that confrontation.

She'd been quite pleased at the time.

She despised the Evans family, so seeing Olivia embarrassed and miserable made her oddly happy.

Kiley knew that Raphael loved Olivia.

During that time when they were together, he seemed happier than he'd ever been, but she didn't think Olivia was the only one who could bring him joy.

In her eyes, a man should focus on his career, not get bogged down by a love affair. She believed Sharon was more practical, more gentle, and a better match for Raphael than Olivia.

Yet after all these years, Raphael never fell for anyone else.

Even though his love for Olivia was twisted by hatred, he couldn't stop thinking about her.