Chapter: 1023
Brushing off Brielle, he posed as a sage, addressing Theodore with a self-assured air, “Do you even know who you're talking to? I am Reilly Holmes, proprietor of Star Club. I preside over an empire of more than a dozen establishments." Taking a moment to assess Theodore, Reilly scoffed, "The Anderson Group, as you know, is on its last legs. If you were to prostrate yourself before me at this moment, perhaps I might extend my grace to help you. After all, I could find a position for you once you're ousted from your job."

With a smile playing on his lips, Theodore echoed, “Reilly Holmes, owner of Star Club. I won't forget you."

Reilly, basking in self-satisfaction, anticipated Theodore's capitulation. His intent was to propose a trade-off—Theodore's woman in exchange for his help. Yet, before he could put forth his condition, Theodore whisked Ariana away, not even sparing a backward glance.

A surge of fury washed over Reilly as he grasped the implication Theodore's blatant disrespect incensed him. He yearned to put Theodore in his place, but his stride was halted by a near collision with a wire pole, causing him to stagger.

Brielle tentatively approached to offer her support, only to be rebuffed by a livid Reilly. He bellowed at Brielle, "Worthless woman, you are of no use!”
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