Chapter: 1030
Then, daring to break the silence, one reporter abruptly mustered the courage to inquire, "Mr. Anderson, is all of this just an elaborate charade?"

Empowered by the bravery of his peer, another interjected, "Indeed, Mr. Anderson, rumors abound that your union with Miss Edwards is nothing more than a cold and calculated business transaction. Can you honestly claim to harbor any genuine affection for her?”

Theodore's countenance darkened as his gaze fell upon the man, a middle-aged individual sporting spectacles. The intensity of Theodore's warning stare sufficed to seal the man’s Lips, as he meekly Lowered his head.

Just as everyone began to resign themselves to an evasive response, a clear voice resonated through the air.

“Allow me to state once and for all: my marriage to Ariana is not a mere transaction of convenience."
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