Chapter: 1059
At the sight of the syringe he held, Ariana wanted to recoil but was bound in place.

Jasper had been pumping her veins with a serum named GK21@ for the past several days. This substance toyed with her mind, distorting her emotions and desires until they were unbearable. It was Like blowing air into a balloon, knowing it would eventually pop. She shuddered to think about the aftermath, her mind breaking, spiraling into an abyss of despair.

Jasper soaked in Ariana's fear, his Lips curling up into a smirk. He moved to sit beside her, revealing, "I initially planned for Theodore to watch your transformation into an insatiable beast. But I've decided to change the game."

On that ominous note, he pushed the needle into her arm. A violent shudder rocked Ariana, her eyes overflowing with unchecked tears. Fear and rage twisted within her, like a wildfire threatening to consume her. She tried to scream, but her voice had deserted her. The surge of emotions felt Like an all-devouring monster.

Suddenly, a sharp pain in her stomach snapped her back to reality. A stark reminder that she was carrying babies and Theodore was out there looking for them. She couldn't afford to crack now.
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