Chapter: 1127
The demons that haunted him were but ephemeral specters! Helen knew this truth all along and kept it from Theodore, subjecting him to a tormenting charade.

“Theodore!" Her voice was a hoarse whisper, and the metallic scent of blood filled her senses. Ariana sobbed and said, "Wake up! Did you catch that? Marley harbors no blame toward you. Forever, you remain her cherished brother. Wake up already!"

But Theodore still remained silent.

Dread and hopelessness gripped Ariana's heart in a merciless vise. Yet, amidst her despair, she detected the faint rhythm of his chest rising and falling.

In her deepest desperation, she cried out for help, but silence swallowed her pleas. Only the mournful howl of the wind answered her call.
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