Chapter: 1289
Lost in thought and considering how best to convey her concerns to Devin, the unmistakable sound of Sadie's voice echoed from the stairway's summit.

"Quick, get all my things to the car. Be careful with them," Sadie urgently exclaimed as she dashed down the grand staircase of the Fredrick manor. Her heels echoed loudly against the polished marble floors as she hastened toward the front door, her singular focus on arriving at a photoshoot punctually.

Upon bursting through the towering front doors, Sadie's discerning eye caught sight of an immaculate almond-colored Bentley parked out front. It possessed a sleek silhouette, adorned with subtle modifications and decorative stickers, clearly a woman's car.

Her brow furrowed, and she turned her attention to the portly middle -aged servant laboring under the weight of her numerous bags. She inquired sharply, "Do we have a guest?"

The servant straightened up, offering a polite response, "A child psychologist has arrived, Miss Pierre. She was invited to work with Miss Adele."
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