Chapter: 1410
As the situation unfolded, a growing crowd of curious onlookers, comprised mainly of community residents, began to gather. Ariana's anxiety swelled, and she didn't mince words. She confronted the property manager directly, her voice laced with urgency.

“What's the meaning of pressing issues? Valuables have vanished from my house! If you continue obstructing access to the surveillance footage, I'll be left with no recourse but to summon the authorities and let them take it from here."

Then, she feigned dialing the police.

Quickly, the property manager interceded, “Wait, hold on. It's not that we're barring you from the surveillance footage. The stark truth is that our community's surveillance system has been on the fritz for years, rendering it inaccessible."

This revelation drew a chorus of criticism from the onlookers.
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