Chapter: 1451
Suddenly, a mysterious character resembling a wizened old man sprang up and theatrically greeted them, "Hey folks! I'm your estate keeper, and I've got a juicy tidbit for y'all. This villa contains many forbidden areas, especially the third floor. Legend has it that there's a creature up there who wanted to lock up and eat the nosy kids and adults. A handful have vanished in times gone by. So, kiddos, steer clear of floor number three."

Melon, unsettled by the story, sought refuge behind Ariana. Ariana soothingly whispered, “Don't worry. There are plenty of rooms here.

We don't have to stay in that villa."

As she spoke, the host beckoned everyone for the room draw.

Given Melon's tender age, they were given the honor of drawing first.
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