Chapter: 1981
"Let's search around while we've still got some energy and before it gets too late," Ariana advised the driver. "But first, let's eat something. Is there anything we can eat in the car?"

The driver appeared slightly surprised by Ariana's calm demeanor. He paused briefly before saying, "Sure, there are supplies in the trunk. I've got a flashlight and other items, too."

Hastily, he returned to the car to retrieve the items.

“Mr. Fredrick packed these, you know, just as a precaution," he said while passing the flashlight to Ariana and demonstrating its functions. "This flashlight has a unique feature; it's a bit special..."

After a brief demonstration, he handed Ariana a bag containing food and water, signaling her to eat.

“Thank you," Ariana replied, eagerly devouring some bread from the bag.

She understood the need to maintain her energy due to the challenges ahead.

“To expedite, we can split up and search independently," they concluded after eating and analyzing the situation. They opted to initiate their search from the east, using the explosion site as a Landmark.

Bennett's estate was nestled deep within the forest, enveloped in a silence broken only by the chirping of insects and Ariana's footsteps.

The cold night air cut through her like a knife, inducing shivers as she contemplated the aftermath of the explosion and _ feared encountering Holden's dead body. She just wanted to see him alive.

During Ariana's search, a sudden scream tore through the night, startling her to the point of dropping her flashlight.

Hastily, she picked it up and directed its beam toward the source of the sound.

The scream emanated from the area where the driver had headed.

Fearing for his safety, Ariana opted to halt her search for Holden and Adrian, hurrying back to find the driver.

Concern for the driver's safety propelled Ariana to hasten. She nearly stumbled over a hidden obstacle, regaining her balance by clutching onto a nearby tree.

While retrieving her flashlight from the ground, she spotted another one in the bushes, recognizing it as the driver's.

A chill ran down her spine as she cautiously approached the area where she had almost fallen. Clearing the bushes, she uncovered a precipitous descent to a tall cliff, obscured by darkness and the thick grass.

Directing the light down the cliff, a daring idea crossed Ariana's mind-what if Holden and Adrian had fallen into there?

The location was close to the explosion, and tire marks near the bushes hinted at others' presence. Perhaps more had plummeted from the cliff.

Emboldened by this notion, Ariana resolved to gamble and investigate the cliff's base.