Chapter: 351
Brielle's fans, who had been feeling defeated and ready to back down, suddenly found themselves ignited with a newfound sense of hope.

Brielle's blood boiled as she read the online rumors about herself. She felt like her phone was mocking her as she slammed it on the floor. The baseless allegations had quickly spiraled out of control, turning into a vicious war between rival fan groups.

While it wasn't unusual for fans to bicker, Brielle knew that if this negativity spread, it could seriously tarnish her reputation.

The controversy around her former assistant's ordeal with the sulfuric acid had only just died down, and now she was being dragged back into the eye of the storm by Daniela's zealous supporters.

She had been planning on treating herself to a day of pampering, but now all she could feel was anger and frustration, unable to shake off the cloud of negativity that seemed to follow her everywhere.
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