Chapter: 630
The two looked at each other in silence for a few seconds and then said in one voice, "Things You Do for True Love!”

When the two uttered the name of the book at the same time, a rare look of embarrassment appeared on Theodore's charming face.

Ariana felt a bit helpless and said, "I should have thought of that from the love gesture with drones. I know the pickup routine well. But why did you choose this book anyway? The main character is very arrogant at first considering the unacceptable way he treats the woman he loves, and then ends up quite miserable."

“I don't understand. What do you mean?" Theodore wasn't used to reading romance novels, let alone web novels. So the details Ariana pointed out puzzled him.

“He's the kind of person who took the woman he loves for granted at first. When he realizes his mistakes, he strives to win her heart back through fair means or foul.
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