Chapter: 771
Navigating her wheelchair, Ariana endeavored to obtain an unobstructed view of his countenance. However, with Holden's arrival, the crowd grew even more congested.

The throng surged toward her, impeding her line of sight. Struggling to forge a path, she remained oblivious to the obstacle ahead. Inadvertently, her wheelchair tipped over, colliding with a long table and causing the tall glasses arrayed upon it to topple and fall perilously in her direction.

Trapped by the weight of the wheelchair upon her legs, Ariana was unable to promptly rise. She could only raise her hand to protect her face. Just as she feared making a public spectacle of herself, a man positioned himself before her.

When chaos erupted, Theodore immediately recognized the familiar figure lying on the floor. A surge of anxiety coursed through him as he realized he was too late to shield her from the falling wine glasses.

In the nick of time, someone swooped in and fulfilled his duty, swiftly shielding Ariana from the glasses.
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