Chapter: 844
A sense of relief flooded Horace, his inner turmoil subsiding momentarily. He had been uncertain how to navigate Ariana's relentless inquiries, and now he felt a reprieve.

Casting a glance at the medicine bottle nestled in Ariana's hand, Horace's mind churned with contemplation. Finally, he spoke pensively.

"Nevertheless, Mrs. Anderson, it is fortuitous that you have discovered this truth. I have endeavored to dissuade the boss, but he remains obstinate. Now that you are aware, I implore you to assist. Please keep a vigilant eye on the boss and prevent him from ever taking this medicine again.”

Ariana saw Horace's certainty that Theodore was not meant to have this medicine and she surmised there must be undesirable effects.

"Do you know what this medicine tastes like?” she inquired, studying the unlabeled bottle.
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