Chapter: 123
He was at the receiving end of such a cold stare. But of course, Anthony was doing it subtly that Maria didn't notice it.

Jay swallowed hard, not imagining that simply asking this question would foment Anthony's hostility. He didn't think it was that bad since Maria herself didn't show any hints of displeasure.

Wasn't he overreacting?

But the main reason actually involved the cup of herbal tea that Anthony had just asked Jack to prepare.

The air-conditioning in the chief director's Lounge functioned very well, so the tea was about to get cold in just a few more minutes.

“Well... That's all I wanna ask. Sorry for taking up your time. I'UL get going."

Realizing that he had disturbed Maria's rest, Jay immediately stood up and said goodbye to the two, with traces of apology in his voice.

Not suspecting about anything else, Maria just nodded lightly. On the other hand, Anthony completely ignored him but let out a satisfied smile. When Jay had finally left, he handed the cup to Maria.

“Here. Drink this."

“What?" Maria slightly Leaned backward, confused at Anthony's gesture. It turned out that Anthony specifically prepared it for her

“Thank you, but I'm not thirsty." Maria said, letting out a strong expression of refusal.

"It's just part of the treatment. You need to strengthen your body by replenishing your nutrients intake. Plus, this is not just a cup of ordinary tea. It will help you relax your nerves. I know that you have been very busy recently. It's just a tonic. It will help you feel revitalized."

From all the times they spent before, this was Maria's first time seeing how eloquent Anthony was. She could tell that he wasn't Lying.

The tea might not be specific in treating narcolepsy, but it could still help relieve the symptoms. Anthony also made sure that it wouldn't bring any side effects to the body.

However, looking at the coffee-colored liquid in front of her, Maria pursed her lips childishly and vigorously shook her head.

“What are you talking about? I'm in good health. I don't need any supplements, Let alone tonics," Maria retorted in a low voice. In the past, she had always been calm when answering back. But right now, she was a little nervous.

Of course, Maria knew that Anthony would never put something in this cup to hurt her.

She was only acting like this because she hated taking medicines, especially the Liquid ones.

However, Anthony firmly held the cup in his hand, while staring at Maria. It seemed that he didn't have any intention of putting it down.

Not backing down, Maria didn't take it either. It instantly became a battle of wills.