Chapter: 1271
He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin. "Well, it seems like you know at least a Little but about alchemy. I‘11 have you know that being a third-Level alchemist is already good enough. Higher-Level ones are very few and far between. Why, the greatest masters of alchemy recorded by the Pill Alchemist Association are only sixth-level. No one has managed to conquer the highest rank."

“What?" Maria muttered under her breath. "Even the best ones they recorded are only on level six? Then, I don't see the point of building such an association."

At this, Elton began to bristle again. Maria was far too ignorant for his comfort.

But before he could say anything, Mr. Gonzales interjected. The poor man could no Longer stand the tense exchange between Elton and Maria.

"Mr. Acosta, let us not delay the ceremony any longer, or this auspicious day would go to waste.” He walked up to Elton and leaned close to whisper, "Do not be angry with the girl. If there is anything you want, you need only ask the matriarch. As Long as she gives the nod of approval, we will make arrangements to accommodate all your needs.“
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