Chapter: 130
On the other hand, Austin continued making small talk.

“I heard that Francis is the most capable director in your company. I guess he is not bad. I remember that one of his works has been nominated in a film festival before..."

Hearing this, Jeremy's lips twitched a little, slightly twisting the smile on his face. "Oh, yes. It's a pity that Francis’ work was only nominated and didn't win the actual award in the end."

Of course, Jeremy was fully aware of what Austin was referring to.

It was one of Francis’ early works. In fact, the film was more than qualified to win the award. But because he was still a nobody in the film and television circle back then, and Yeez Entertainment wasn't as powerful as it was right now, the award was given to another director. Unsurprisingly, it went to the one with a more profound background. Even in this kind of industry, politics was obviously prevalent.

When Jeremy recalled that time, he couldn't help but subtly shake his head in disappointment.

After a moment, Austin smiled and said, "I'm not sure if you know, but I was one of the chief judges of the film festival at that time."

Jeremy didn't expect that Austin would rub it more. The smile on his face became more awkward, but he still managed to remain calm. "Yes, I'm aware. After all, you are already a famous senior director back then. Anyway, Mr. Gerry, what brings you here today?"

When Jeremy finally cut to the chase, Austin coughed and stopped talking.

It was when Patricia, who was just sitting aside all this time, picked up the conversation and spoke on behalf of Austin.

“The truth is Mr. Gerry heard that the shooting of the Legend of Anne has just started recently. Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson was hospitalized and his condition is not completely getting better. The Legend of Anne is such a beautiful masterpiece, and Mr. Gerry doesn't want it to get ruined or discontinued. With that, he is willing to replace Mr. Jackson to become the new chief director of the show if you will let him."

Everyone in the industry was aware of the reputation of the Legend of Anne as an extremely successful fantastic novel.

Although Maria's identity as an author remained a mystery to most, people recognized her unmatched power as a writer. She was one of those at the top of the pyramid in the fiction world. Hence, it was every director's dream to be able to transform Maria‘s works into the big screen.

Finally hearing what their real intention was, Jeremy's heart beat faster. But soon enough, he was able to calm himself down.

As the biggest producer of this show, he certainly hoped that the shooting could go smoothly.

In fact, it would be great if a director with a big name and great credibility would express his desire to take the helm while Francis was temporarily unable to fulfill his duties.

Jeremy and Francis had done so much preparatory work just to ensure that the shooting of the Legend of Anne would be successful.

Jeremy put a lot of trust in Francis because the latter had a thorough understanding of the novel, and he hoped that Francis’ vision and interpretation could give the best justice to this masterpiece.

Therefore, it seemed pretty illogical and unreasonable for him to replace Francis with any director.

A temporary chief director would be acceptable, but appointing a new chief director was out of the question.