Chapter: 136
A few days later, on the set of the Legend of Anne, no artists or staff could be seen working.

There was no shooting scheduled for today, and the scenes they had already finished were still undergoing tedious editing. Therefore, the whole cast and crew had this day off.

It also meant that there would be a lot of visitors on the set today. Most of them were relatives and friends of the actors and actresses. Since the filming had been going on nonstop for the past weeks, this was their opportunity to have some quality time with their family members and also grab the chance to take some photos with the famous stars involved in the show.

However, they soon noticed that no one came to visit Maria.

Since she had replaced Francis for some time now, they forgot that she was just originally supposed to be a script supervisor. Because both Jay and Lyndsey appreciated this young and beautiful acting chief director, the others gradually warmed up to her, accepting that she was up for the job.

But today, when they saw that no one was around Maria, they remembered that among the crew, she was just a small and ordinary person.

Looking at everybody else, there was faint sadness in Maria's eyes.

Underneath the surface, she realized that she didn't belong in this lively crowd.

In fact, she was already used to being alone and Lonely.

But eventually, she began to dislike being in this kind of situation.

She now really wanted to have someone to talk to.

As she dwelled on this thought, a vivid image of a person in a wheelchair appeared in her heart.

While the rest were visited by their loved ones, she wondered if Anthony would come for her. But Maria soon shook her head and dismissed the idea.

After all, Anthony was not obliged to do such a thing. Based on his position in the Wilson family, he should be very busy every single day. He would have no time for such a trivial matter as visiting her.

She also recalled that she still had a lot of stock of the herbal teas that Anthony gave her.

Therefore, even Jack, who was responsible for delivering her the herbal teas, didn't have a reason to come today. In the end, Maria really had nothing to do today. She somehow felt how boring her life was.

Even though Maria herself didn’t know why, but she had this weird feeling that Anthony had been there for her several times when she suffered from narcolepsy.

In fact, the Last time Maria had a relapse, she woke up seeing Anthony by her side, holding her hand tightly. She couldn't forget that scene, and it would flash in her mind from time to time.

She felt that it was so familiar as if Anthony had already guarded and taken care of her like this before.

When she regained her senses, Maria saw two people who seemed to have come for Vivian. Then, Maria's eyes slightly narrowed upon recognizing the couple.