Chapter: 138
Then, she forced a smile and said, "Mom, I don't think it's necessary. Besides, I've specifically made an appointment with the three senior artists. If we take Maria with us, it might be a little inconvenient..."

With this phrasing, Julie misunderstood everything Vivian said.

She thought Vivian was implying that Maria had such a low status in the crew that these famous actors would be inconvenienced by her presence.

However, it wasn't the case. The truth was that Vivian was fully aware that if Maria joined them, the veteran artists would probably just talk to her. In the end, no one would pay attention to Vivian, and her plans would be ruined.

Since Maria had replaced Francis as the acting chief director, she had been in the limelight. Now, it was Vivian's turn to make a name for herself. Therefore, she would not let Maria steal her thunder during this Lunch out with the other artists.

"Bill, what do you think? Are we really not taking Maria with us?" Julie turned to her husband when she didn't get the response she wanted trom Vivian.

On the other hand, Bill was stunned, even showing a confused expression.

He really forgot that their adopted daughter was also a part of the crew of this show.

Not putting much thought to it, Bill asked casually, “What's wrong? Are they not offering sandwiches or something to the crew today?”

He didn't actually mean to insult Maria. But because she was from a humble town, he thought that she would have no complaints even if she had to eat the simple food offered for the crew.

Hearing this, Julie couldn't help but frown even more.

Recently, she somehow had gotten along with Maria, who seemed like a really nice girl and didn't cause any unnecessary trouble. In fact, Julie had this feeling deep within her that she actually appreciated Maria.

It was a strange feeling, because there were times that she couldn't help but look at Maria with higher regards than Vivian.

She didn't understand it too well, but she had a strong feeling that Bill would someday regret treating Maria like she wasn't worthy of attention.

With a slightly condescending tone, Bill muttered, "I didn't expect Maria will land a job as a script supervisor in this project. That girl is Lucky. But I'm not sure that she is qualified for it. This is not good. If she somehow messes things up, she will embarrass the Jenkins family."

While speaking anxiously, Bill even considered making Maria quit from this job that seemed to be too big for her.

Julie wanted to say something, but she didn't know exactly what to say. Disappointed, she could only keep her thoughts to herself.

Meanwhile, Vivian felt really embarrassed. She knew that her parents were still looking down on Maria, when in fact, she was now the chief director of the show. Obviously, she couldn't get herself to admit it to them.

At this time, three senior artists invited by Vivian finally approached her and her family.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins." David smiled, politely greeting Julie and Bill.