Chapter: 4851
Gulping down half a cup of coffee, Dylan checked on the screen and snorted absently. "Nonsense! I have to be here with you. Otherwise, I'll be very worried."

Before Olivia could respond, she heard the voices of the company's senior executives as they logged in for the online meeting.

Since Olivia was standing within range of the camera, they were able to see her.

Embarrassed, Olivia forced an apologetic smile to her face and quickly stepped aside.

Meanwhile, Mark, who was still eating breakfast, said in a low voice, "Your mother and I have agreed on this. We'll be moving to Duefron when I'm fully recovered, so the two of you can focus on your work there. Leyla will also find a nice new school there. I think, in terms of the kids' education, Duefron is way better than Czanch."

Olivia was stunned by this statement, and she couldn't help but argue with him, “Are you kidding? Czanch is one of the fastest developing cities in the country, yet you think it's an inferior place?"

"Well," Mark shrugged, “your mother and I had indeed planned to spend the rest of our lives here, but then we realized that it was a bit difficult to adapt to the life here after all those years we spent in Duefron. Especially for your mom who has gotten used to a luxurious lifestyle. She just misses Duefron so much.”

Of course, Olivia knew that Mark was not saying the entire truth.

Her parents were doing this mostly for her and Dylan.

She felt so moved by their gesture.

But she could neither express her gratitude nor could she let him down, so she said half-jokingly, "You talked about Mom missing the life there, the way I see it, it must be you missing those old flames of yours in Duefron. Miss Holt was asking after you the other day. She wanted to know about your current situation.”

Mark blushed when he heard this. "Don't be ridiculous," he huffed at her. “Your mother will be very jealous if she hears that. You know how easy it is for her to get jealous.”

Mark could talk for days as long as the topic was related to Cecilia.

“Are you sure you want to go back to Duefron?" Olivia asked, leaning her head on his shoulder.

In fact, Edwin wished for the same thing too. After all, Evans Group wouldn't be able to mobilize all their resources to Czanch in such a short period. And besides, the Evans family already had a deep root in Duefron. If they moved to Czanch, they would have to start from scratch.

After he had finished his breakfast, Mark cleaned his mouth and lay down on the bed. “Of course," he said in response to his daughter's question. "That's where your mother and I first met each other. I still remember that evening I went to visit Waylen, and I saw your mother there for the first time. She was still so young back then."

Olivia listened attentively as he talked about their first meeting.

Mark and Cecilia seldom talked about stories of the days when they were young.

"It's all my fault that your mother suffered so much," Mark continued with a sigh of regret. "Your brother also had a difficult childhood, and it was all my fault. You mom was really struggling back then, but she never regret giving birth to your brother."

Olivia was stunned when she heard this.

She glanced at Dylan and saw that he was looking back at her with loving eyes.

ALL of a sudden, Olivia felt relieved. If Mark was telling the truth about their reason for moving back, then her parents were not really making a sacrifice for her and Dylan. After all, they would all go to live in Duefron eventually. So, it made sense that her parents would be glad to go back there and enjoy the company of their kids and grandkids.

They could always come to Czanch whenever they wanted to visit old friends.

When it was noon, Mark went to sleep. Olivia then said to Dylan in a low voice, "I'm thinking maybe I should buy a bigger house in Duefron."

“Are you considering marrying me? Otherwise, why would you need a bigger house?" Dylan teased.