Chapter: 1658
Melon clung tighter to Ariana's arm, his apprehension palpable as he remained silent, unwilling to engage with Sadie.

Sensing Melon's reluctance, Sadie let out a derisive snort and continued to scrutinize him. Her words dripped with disdain as she said slowly, “You're quite the charmer, aren't you? But I wonder, whom do you resemble? Like mother, like son, they say. It appears you've inherited your mother's knack for thievery."

Ariana, witnessing this, stepped forward protectively, positioning herself between Sadie and Melon, her resolve evident in her demeanor.

With a cold stare, she said, “Choose your words wisely. Children should not be involved in adult disputes."

Sadie's sneer deepened at Ariana's warning. She narrowed her eyes, maintaining her composure as she remarked coldly, “Indeed, the early years are crucial for education."
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