Chapter: 1807
One photo showed Adele eating chocolate, looking messy and neglected, while Sadie was busy applying a face mask.

Another captured Sadie comfortably drinking coffee under an umbrella while Adele sat under the harsh sun, clearly sunburned.

After showing them the photos, the nanny said, “It's the same situation at home. Miss Pierre hardly ever pays attention to little Adele. She ignores whatever Adele needs and keeps feeding Adele cakes. She doesn't grasp the basics of childcare when there's no nanny present. Sometimes, Adele's clothes would get wet, and Miss Pierre wouldn't even ask me to help change Adele's clothes in time. The neglect has sometimes caused Adele to fall ill. And when she does, Miss Pierre doesn't take Adele to the doctor. She just gives Adele some medicine."

Hearing this and viewing the photos made Ariana seethe with anger.

Clenching her teeth, she exclaimed, "I knew it! Sadie is abusing Adele! Just today, I accidentally saw Sadie through her room door, forcing Adele to do a handstand. Adele's face was bright red, and she kept apologizing, but Sadie didn't Let her stop. She even slapped Adele. If this isn't abuse, I don't know what is!"
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