Chapter: 1816
Ariana dodged, clutching the stick tightly in her hand, ready to defend herself. At that moment, a figure suddenly leaped through the window, wielding a bucket of red paint. With a swift motion, he hurled the paint towards Ariana upon landing.

Despite Ariana's effort to shield herself with raised arms, the paint still reached her.

As the man stumbled in the darkness, his hand searched for the Light switch, eventually illuminating the room. Ariana gripped her stick as she faced the two men before her.

Caught between the dual assault of the two men, Ariana skillfully parried their strikes as she slowly backed towards the door.

The realization dawned on Ariana that a direct confrontation would be futile. However, contemplating fetching a knife from the kitchen for self-defense raised the grim specter of potential harm escalating to a deadly outcome.
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