Chapter: 1963
She wouldn't have attended the banquet with Bennett if it weren't part of Holden's plan.

Ariana didn't know how to respond to Bennett, but luckily, Adrian intervened and said, “Mr. Olson, the beasts set to compete later are suffering from diarrhea. The guards there would like you to check on them personally."

"What?" Bennett's expression turned into a scowl. He looked at Ariana and instructed, "Stay here in the banquet hall, and don't wander off. I'll return shortly."

“Okay. Ariana nodded, trying to look obedient to lower Bennett's guard."

Although Ariana avoided making eye contact with Adrian, she sensed that he and Holden were about to make their move.

So her main goal now was to keep Bennett calm and avoid causing any disturbances.

As Bennett departed with Adrian, Ariana couldn't shake her concern.

She was unclear about the specifics of Holden's plan, yet she hoped it would succeed. Above all, she wished for Holden's safety.

"Miss, would you like something to drink?" A waiter approached Ariana with a friendly smile, noticing she had no beverage.

Needing something to steady her nerves, Ariana took a drink randomly and said, "This will do."

After that, Ariana turned to continue her search for Holden, but she accidentally bumped into Fraser.

The drink slipped from Ariana's hands, drenching both her and Fraser.

Aware of Fraser's identity, Ariana worried her clumsiness might upset him. She quickly wiped at his suit with a tissue, apologizing, “I'm so sorry; it was an accident."

Right after she spoke, an urgent whisper from Fraser reached her ear.

"109," he said.

Taken aback, Ariana realized that Fraser was discreetly giving her an important hint.

Unsure about his intentions, Ariana quickly composed herself and apologized again, loud enough for others to hear. "Sir, I'm deeply sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Please forgive my carelessness. It was not my intention to offend you."

She raised her voice intentionally, aiming to show everyone that she didn't know who Fraser was.

Perhaps to avoid drawing attention, Fraser just stayed silent and left with his assistant.

Ariana didn't dwell on the encounter. After a short pause, she pretended to feel unwell and left the banquet hall, furrowing her brow.