Chapter: 119
Hence, before she started to become dizzy and sleepy, she managed to instruct the cast what they should do in the scenes to be filmed later. She also told the assistant director about the details that needed more attention during the actual shooting.

After making sure that everything would proceed well, Maria struggled back to the Lounge. As soon as she entered, she directly fell on the sofa and slept Like a baby.

She was totally unaware of everything that happened afterward. Less than half an hour after Maria fell asleep, Anthony arrived at the filming site of the Legend of Anne.

His primary intention was to visit her, knowing that she had been so busy the past week.

Yeez Entertainment was a big enterprise with abundant funds. But of course, no matter how rich the film company was, it would never refuse a prospective sponsor.

In fact, Anthony first went to Yeez Entertainment to sign an investment contract with Jeremy.

Afterward, he went straight to the filming site in Litke World Studios.

Whenever a big sponsor would come to visit the filming site, he could go and see whatever he wanted. Moreover, he would even enjoy a VIP treatment.

But when Anthony arrived at the site, he didn't announce his identity. Instead, he just asked Jack to accompany him to the chief director's lounge. He just wanted to see Maria.

However, when they got in the Lounge, he saw Maria sleeping on the sofa, already suffering from her narcolepsy.

After some time, Jay also went to see Maria. But before he could get in, he was surprised to see a stranger holding and gently caressing Maria's hand.

Who was this man? Why was he touching her? What was his relationship to Maria?

These questions quickly flashed through Jay's mind. As his eyes focused on Maria's hand, which was held by someone else, he began to feel a Little stuffy in his chest.

He couldn't help but regret that he let himself become affected by Patricia's words. Jay also realized that his hesitation meant that he hadn't completely trusted Maria. He felt a Little guilty because it was as if he betrayed her.

“Who are you? Do you know that this is the director's Lounge? You can't come in here without permission." Jay finally manned up and asked in a deep voice.

A bit earlier, Anthony ordered Jack to get him some water. However, it turned out that Jack had come back too late. Jay was already there, having some misconceptions. Jack could only walk over and stand behind his boss with his head down in frustration.

Hearing someone questioning him, Anthony looked at the man standing at the door.

He looked at Jay with indifferent eyes, but he was still holding Maria's hand, moving his fingertips freely in her palm.

“Jack, you can show it to him," Anthony said in a calm and casual tone.

“Right away, Mr. Wilson."