Chapter: 118
Lyndsey was not one to snap at her costars, but now she was in a bad mood.

Fortunately, Jay didn't mind it at all. With a tolerant smile on his face, he continued, "Did Maria go to film school? Where did she graduate from? Our country? Or an Asian university? Or an European one?"

After observing Maria recently, this was the conclusion that Jay had secretly arrived at.

If Maria was not a top student in an excellent film school either at home or abroad, how could she calmly replace Francis as the director of a show and tame the whole cast and crew?

Rumor had it that Francis had given her private lessons to help her catch up, but Jay didn't think it made sense.

After all, it had been less than two weeks since shooting started. If Maria really knew nothing about directing beforehand, how could she have learned so much in such a short time from Francis?

"I don't know," Lyndsey answered honestly.

In fact, this was something that she was also curious about. What kind of environment could cultivate such versatile talents Like Maria?

In Lyndsey's eyes, Maria was extremely talented and insightful for her young age.

Although Lyndsey didn't know much about Maria, her trust in her was unwavering.

“I want to talk to her," Jay said firmly.

Before deciding whether to accept Patricia's proposal or not, he wanted to talk to Maria in person.

He walked out of his Lounge, leaving Lyndsey behind.

Now that Maria was the acting chief director, she took over Francis’ ‘lounge.

When Jay arrived at the lounge, he found the door ajar and saw a strange scene inside.

Maria was lying on the sofa, enjoying a nap.

But next to the sofa sat a man in a wheelchair, quietly watching her sleep.

Jay frowned. Who was this man?

Maria felt that her narcolepsy was about to attack soon.

The only good thing about suffering from an illness for a Long time was that one would become too familiar with its symptoms. Although Maria knew that currently there was no cure to her condition, she could feel in advance if she was about to have a relapse.