Chapter: 1260
Although he was well past forty years old, he had only ever been able to grasp the formula for the third grade pills. In fact, his abilities were so lacking that he was barely recognized as a third Level alchemist by most of his peers.

Despite this, he was still respected by everyone, and was given treatment that was second only to the matriarch herself.

No matter how poor Elton's skills were, alchemist were far too precious for them to discard him.

“Think about it, ma'am. Once we have formed a partnership with the Sky Group, the other party will likely order a bulk of our pills. Mr. Acosta won't be able to produce so much by himself. But if Miss Maria and Miss Vivian are assisting him, not only would we have enough supply to cover the Sky Group's order, but we might also have some spare to sell in the market!"

The more she talked about it, the more excited Doris became. She belatedly realized that the matriarch Looked unconvinced by her plan. The old woman peered at Maria's report, disgust written all over her face.
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